World Show Report
Posted by David allen on Tuesday, February 5, 2013
The single gold medaL went Decker with 94 points this was a clear cap blue with good dark spangles and dark legs and feet.
silver medal went to /alfons tenbroke a really nice clear cap blue rally good spangles but not lining up to well when i looked at the bird a good amount of breast work and dark legs and feet.
bronze in the single class as we all know now went to our own MR lizard Stan bolton, another clar cap blue really good spangles nice and dark and straight. but i thought when I looked at it it seemedto have a light nuder flue bettwen the legs. but well worthy of the 92 points. There was 34 birds in this class.
Stam class the was 6 Blue stams of which 3 were for Jac Gubbles of HollandJac toook silver and bronze.
Gold went to G wahl fron germany with 4 broken cap blues they were very nice even birds with good difined spangles all with the normal dark legs and feet. but one of the four had a diffrent cap to the rest which only gave it 4 harmony a total 372 points.
Jac's Silver medal stam was nice and even clear cap blues with a good amount of breast work. but one of the four didn't have as good as spangles as the other 3 so it only gained5 harnony points giving him a totasl of 371
Jac's bronze medal stamwas another stam of clear cap blue's again with good spangles aND dark legs and feet, but these four lacked breast work. they gained 4 harnony points giving them a total of 368 points.
I liked the look of jacs third Stam which was a stam of Non Cap blue 's
My stam didn't fair very well only gaining 358 points but i did get the full 6 points for harnony.
silver medal went to /alfons tenbroke a really nice clear cap blue rally good spangles but not lining up to well when i looked at the bird a good amount of breast work and dark legs and feet.
bronze in the single class as we all know now went to our own MR lizard Stan bolton, another clar cap blue really good spangles nice and dark and straight. but i thought when I looked at it it seemedto have a light nuder flue bettwen the legs. but well worthy of the 92 points. There was 34 birds in this class.
Stam class the was 6 Blue stams of which 3 were for Jac Gubbles of HollandJac toook silver and bronze.
Gold went to G wahl fron germany with 4 broken cap blues they were very nice even birds with good difined spangles all with the normal dark legs and feet. but one of the four had a diffrent cap to the rest which only gave it 4 harmony a total 372 points.
Jac's Silver medal stam was nice and even clear cap blues with a good amount of breast work. but one of the four didn't have as good as spangles as the other 3 so it only gained5 harnony points giving him a totasl of 371
Jac's bronze medal stamwas another stam of clear cap blue's again with good spangles aND dark legs and feet, but these four lacked breast work. they gained 4 harnony points giving them a total of 368 points.
I liked the look of jacs third Stam which was a stam of Non Cap blue 's
My stam didn't fair very well only gaining 358 points but i did get the full 6 points for harnony.